Take Your Vision To Market  With "Re-VIVE"

A Simple Roadmap to Get your Idea From Mind to Market

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Your ideas serves as a mechanism for personal transformation by providing valuable solutions those it serves. This involves packaging and delivering your intellectual property into a valuable offering that helps others and transforms lives. In exchange, your contribution translates into financial gain, time, and purpose, enriching your own life.

 "Re-VIVE" is designed to help health-preneurs like you, go through this process, overcome obstacles, gain clarity and launch their vision to market within 12steps.

Re-VIVE is a 3-month program  for:

✓ Health-preneurs with an idea who are currently doing less than 6 figures in their business

✓ Health-preneurs that want to develop a deep understanding of their ideal clients 

✓ Health-preneurs that want to define and create their Core Offer

✓ Health-preneurs that wish they could articulate a clear message that says what it is they are about 

✓  Health-preneurs who want to build their own business

✓ Health-preneurs that wish to secure their future 

 ✓Health-preneurs who are willing to work to bring their vision it to life  

âś“ Health-preneurs who want a better life for themselves and their families

✓ Health-preneurs that are action takers

Re-VIVE is NOT  for:

  • Health-preneurs who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about the results their clients get
  • Health-preneurs who use deceptive practices or shady qualifications, you are better than that and your community deserve more, we work with practitioners who are good at what they do 
  • Health-preneurs who deny money matters, without it, your vision will die and you will help no-one

More Honesty

Re-VIVE  is 3-months of focus!

You’ll be required to focus, and implement what you learn…. (“you've got to take action”).  If that's what you would like then stick with me, and I will explain to you the next steps to get your business idea ready for market, and bring your vision to life.  

So here’s the deal… 

  • First, click the yellow "Join Now"  button
  • Next, work through the modules that are released once a week
  • Triage your idea
  • Confirm if your concept is a good fit for the market
  • Create an offer. 
  • No pressure,  you will walk away with a plan to implement

I’m only looking for high-calibe Health-preneurs to join "Re-VIVE", I need you to be serious about helping your community reclaim their health. 


You will get out of chaos and uncertainty!

You will discover your ideas will become organised and the impossible possible, your irresistible offer will be created, new pricing determined and time saved.

With focus and commitment you will create a service that provides you consistent take-home pay for you and your family's financial security, AND knowledge that you are making a positive dent in the universe with the transformation your unique genius brings.

All whilst protecting your time and sanity, and increasing your impact and profitability!

Here's what other's say

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Are You Tired Of Chaos, Uncertainty & Lack Of Confidence...?

Do You Want  To Take Your Idea to Market…

...Regardless of what’s going on with the economy?


Then "Re-VIVE"  is what you need.

Join Now

“Guarantee - YOU BET!"

I am asking you to make a fully informed decision, the only way you can make these decisions is on the inside, not on the outside. 

So you need to get on the inside of the Private Members Club to see if everything I say and share with you is true and valuable to you. 

But you can’t make that decision right now for the same reason you don’t buy a house without looking at the inside first. 

Before committing to "Re-VIVE", make sure you have checked out the free private members club resources where you will be able to make a fully informed decision about whether what I do is or isn’t for you.  

In "Re-VIVE" I am going to share with you and show you my proprietary processes, how to assess your idea, diagnose your ideal clients pains and dreams, and all the strategies and tactics you need to create an offer to take to market. I am going to expose the inner workings of how I get results, as a result, all sales of the programme are final as even if we don't fully resolve your business pain for any reason you will have gained a lot more knowledge and understanding about your "symptoms" and how to manage them.

I can only make a guarantee like this because I am confident what I have is the real deal and I am confident when you sign up you’re going to get exactly what you need to benefit. 

Global uncertainty and fear of an uncertain economy mean there is a risk of paralysis due to fear and not knowing where to turn. To get through it you have to be focused with a plan to navigate it which provides you with consistent and predictable income.

Remember, staying where you are and doing nothing will not change anything. Action is what makes changes. 

Don't miss the chance to work directly with Kate.

 Want a bit more input to bring your idea to life and get it ready take it to market, so you can enjoy the money, freedom and impact you desire.

Schedule A Call